We spend a lot of time sitting in awkward positions hovering over keyboards and steering wheels. We spend even more time occupying awkward positions in our minds; these physical and mental contortions result in tensions held in out shoulders, back, neck and gut. Headaches, kinked necks and stomach upset make everything more stressful; enter the vicious cycle. This flow should leave you feeling stretched out and more like the limber human we were all meant to be.

Keep in mind that we are trying to stretch out the back, neck and shoulders. To ensure that this happens stay focused on telescoping the spine and head while maintaining the integrity of your alignment. Shoulders back and down, lots of space between ears and shoulders, chin stays slightly tucked. Be Kind and Be Free.


Child Pose (10 Breaths)

Down Dog (10 Breaths)

Rag Doll (10 Breaths)

Mountain Pose (10 Breaths)

Sun Salutation A x 5

Sun Salutation B x 5

Vinyasa (V) to Warrior 2 Right Side (RS) (5 Breaths)

Triangle (RS) (5 Breaths)

Extended Side Angle (RS) (5 Breaths)

Runners Lunge (RS) (5 Breaths)

Pigeon (RS) (20 Breaths)

King Pigeon (RS)  (10 Breaths)

(V) to Warrior 2 Left Side (LS) (5 Breaths)

Triangle (LS) (5 Breaths)

Extended Side Angle (LS) (5 Breaths)

Runners Lunge (LS) (5 Breaths)

Pigeon (LS) (20 Breaths)

King Pigeon (LS) (10 Breaths)

Down Dog (5 Breaths)

Rag Doll (10 Breaths)

Mountain Pose (10 Breaths)

Chair, opening arms and facing chest to RS, repeat LS. (5 Breaths)

Eagle, RS, repeat LS (5 Breaths)

Mountain Pose (5 Breaths)

Gorilla (10 Breaths)

Vinyasa to Downdog

Come to Seated

Seated Forward Fold (5 Breaths)

Seated Twist RS, change leg position LS (5 Breaths)

Wide Angle Seated Side Bend (RS), repeat (LS)

Bridge (5 Breaths) Repeat 3 Times

Shoulder Stand (10 Breaths)

Plow (5 Breaths)

Deaf Man (5 Breaths)

Cannon Ball

Shivasana (10 mins)