
Workout Embarassment

January 18, 2012

I’ve noticed in the past few weeks that several of my clients are expressing outright that they are embarrassed about various activities I have them do. I don’t typically encourage my clients to do overly weird things when we’re working out nor do I have them partake in loud, obnoxious or otherwise weird workouts. In fact, the workouts that I design for my clients are put together in such a way that we can both leave the session knowing that either the whole body was worked or a specific area was hit hard but left strong. 

I’m certain that it’s their perceptions of the planned exercises that is causing the embarrassment. Wait - scratch that – it’s their perception of themselves that is causing the feelings of embarrassment. The exercise is a completely neutral thing – something designed to target a specific motion and muscle group; it’s what we bring to it that turns it into something uncomfortable.

Embarrassment can stem from so many places but ultimately it begins from the twisted expectation of perfection that most of us keep tucked away in our minds. Apparently, we are supposed to select our given challenge, figure out a plan and overnight be the spitting image of “just so.”

In reality, when we embark on our mission to regain our health, take back our body, develop a much needed sense confidence within our body or just do something we’ve never done we all have an equal journey to complete; we all start at the beginning, have struggles, challenges and road blocks that we will have to confront and if we stick to the path with concerted determination we will arrive at the end triumphant. Along this path we will have moments when we look about the gym and see someone that looks WAY AHEAD of us and think horribly negative things about ourselves. We may think “if I hadn’t let myself get into this pickle I could look like THAT”, or worse we might think “I’ll never be able to do/achieve/come even close to that,” or, as I’m noticing from the darting eyes and quiet comments of my clients “I look REDICULOUS doing this, this is SO embarrassing, can we do it over there in the corner” And to that I take exception.

You do NOT look ridiculous. The fact alone that you are HERE every week takes that card right out of play. You are strong and working on getting stronger. Every rep you complete you are one step further along your path and the frustrated baggage that you carry with you serves only to weigh down your mental body so as to make your efforts that much more demanding. Every person you see in the gym has their own mission and unless you go make friends with them and dig into their personal lives you will never know what that mission is. You will never know how long they have been showing up to achieve that, where they started or where they are headed. Sure, they might be pulling off an amazing set of Power Ups or in the middle of what appears to be one CRAZY INTENSE workout but how can you know for sure that in doing so they have “arrived” at the final end point of (perceived) perfection. How do you know that months, maybe years ago they weren’t in your same place? How can you be sure that their mission is one of trying NOT to be a hero because it damages or injures them?

I know that some exercises involve shoving various body parts in the general direction of full display for all to see and perhaps those parts are the ones we are most interested in hiding from public but every time you squat and push your butt out, wiggle on the floor during Alternating Supermans or worse push yourself so hard you’re huffing and puffing you are also displaying your determination and dedication to perfecting the actions that will create the body that is needed to pull of all those thing that you think you can’t do right now.

At the end of the day the weird body movements should be a badge of honor because you arrived today and you gave another hour to you and you alone to develop the strong path to the destination of your final goal. You have to get dirty to get the work done and the dirtier you get, the more work you probably got done and the more honestly built that path probably is.

“Until you are willing to look foolish, you’ll never have the possibility of being great.” - Cher


A Word or Two on Eggs

December 28, 2011

Eggs have been given a bad rap in recent history – there was a lot of hoopla about Cholesterol and how eggs are not allies in that fight. Unfortunately the myth has lingered and many people remain confused. The truth of the matter is that Eggs aren’t as bad as the public has been led to believe.

Eggs are, in my eyes, an incredible source of nutrients both convenient...

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Donating Nourishment

December 13, 2011

This morning I saw a short segment on the news and it shocked me. It was a segment about the Food Bank and the hampers that are available for people in need. In short, it was appalling. A family, repeat a FAMILY, is allowed to come to the food bank once every two weeks. The example of the hamper that one might receive was dismal, filled with highly processed, nutritional...

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A No Excuses Home Workout

December 11, 2011

At this time of year, and most other times of the year, lets be honest, we are faced with a million challenges for our time. And generally speaking the first thing to go is our workouts and our health. We take our bodies for granted and tend to ignore their needs. I've put together a quick and no-equipment needed workout. All you need is your two feet, your heartbeat and 30 mins.


Start with a quick Warm-up:

Do 10 Reps to Each Side


1. Side Step Squat - Starting in a neutral standing position ta...

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Finding Balance

December 5, 2011

If it feels like you're having a rough go right now or you’re overwhelmed and lack-lustre, you might be juggling too many plates. The majority of us spend a HUGE chunk of our waking time in stressful jobs and lives, we have a huge list of external and internal expectations that leave us constantly reaching for the next gold ring and we end up feeling straight-up exha...

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Weekly Yoga Pose - Gorilla (Padahastasana)

November 23, 2011

Gorilla Pose (Padahastasana)

Gorilla is a deep forward bend, deeper than Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasa) because our hands are slipped beneath the feet (Pada = Foot, Hast = Hand.) Gorilla is excellent for releasing tension in the back and shou...

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Yoga Flow for Tight Back, Shoulders and Neck

November 21, 2011

We spend a lot of time sitting in awkward positions hovering over keyboards and steering wheels. We spend even more time occupying awkward positions in our minds; these physical and mental contortions result in tensions held in out shoulders, back, neck and gut. Headaches, kinked necks and stomach upset make everything more stressful; enter the vicious cycle. This flow s...

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Quinoa Turkey Patties with Salad

November 21, 2011

This recipe takes a bit of effort but it makes a lot of patties that you can freeze or keep ready for fast dinners and versatile lunches/snacks. Packed with protein and whole grains these patties are GOLD. I try to make a batch once a week so I have a handy source of clean protein and grains ready when I am.


1 Cup Quinoa, uncooked

2 Cups Water

¼ Cup Tah...

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Dark Magic Chocolate Mousse

November 18, 2011

The first time I saw someone eating this and heard the ingredients I thought, quite honestly, “totally confirmed, you’re CRAZY!” And then I saw the recipe somewhere else and my curiosity got the better of me. After numerous really wonderful attempts at the perfect recipe I finally stumbled upon my inspiration for THIS perfection. There is a bakery (Bubby Rose’s) ...
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Ginger Raspberry Sorbet

November 14, 2011
Sometimes you just NEED a delicious frozen treat and this is a recipe that, though it takes a bit of time for the final product to come to fruition, it is a nice mix of tart and spice. It's also loaded with fiber and protein so you can feel good about indulging.

1 Cup Fat Free Plain Greek Yogurt

1.5 Cups Frozen Raspberries, Semi Thawed

1 Tsp Ginger Powder

3 Tbsp Maple Syrup


Put all ingredients into a Food Processor Bowl with Blade, blend until smooth and uniform in texture.

Pour the m...

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My Intention

There's A LOT of health and wellness information out in the world just floating around trying to sway us this way and that; offering us the cure but really rocking the balance. It's confusing at times and I find that I need to do constant research to separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak. This Journal exists to keep my research, thoughts and findings in one place so I can continue to hone my own intuition and hopefully offer some inspiration to you!

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